Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Coptic John 1:1c: What Conclusions Can Be Drawn?

Relative to Coptic John 1:1c, what conclusions can be drawn from a multi-year study of the Sahidic Coptic language, including a detailed study of the entire Sahidic Coptic New Testament?

1- That the translation of Coptic neunoute pe pSaje into standard English as "the Word was a god" is literal, accurate, and unassailable. It is simple, but not simplistic. It is what the Coptic text actually says and literally conveys. Any other translation of it amounts to interpretation or paraphrase.

2- That rendering a Sahidic Coptic common ("count") noun, like noute, god, when bound to the Coptic indefinite article, ou, into English as "a" + noun is so prevalent, as for example in Coptic scholar George Horner's 1911 English translation of the Sahidic Coptic New Testament, that this is beyond dispute.

As just the nearest example of this, after John 1:1c itself, is John 1:6. Here we have the Coptic indefinite article, ou, bound to the Coptic common noun rwme, man: aFSwpe nCi ourwme eautnnoouF ebol Hitm pnoute . In Horner's English translation we read: "There was a man having been sent from God." That is the simple, literal, and accurate translation. Likewise, "a god" is the simple, literal, and accurate translation of ou.noute at John 1:1c, the same Coptic indefinite article + common noun construction as found in John 1:6 and elsewhere. Only with respect to Coptic "mass" or abstract nouns is there no need to translate the indefinite article into English, but this is not the situation at Coptic John 1:1c, because noute, god, is a Coptic common or "count" noun.

3 - That, whereas some Coptic grammarians hold that ou.noute may also be translated into English adjectivally as "divine," they give no examples favoring this usage in the Sahidic Coptic New Testament itself. Coptic ou.noute is not used adjectivally or "qualitatively" in the Sahidic Coptic New Testament. The published works of these scholars have been heavily invested in the Nag Hammadi Gnostic Coptic "gospels" like Thomas, Philip, and Judas. Perhaps translating ou.noute as "divine" fits the esoteric or philosophical context of the Gnostic "gospels." But there are no examples in the canonical Coptic New Testament that justify an adjectival translation of ou.noute as "divine," whereas a literal translation of ou.noute as "a god" works just fine. Although "divine" is not altogether objectionable, since a god is divine by definition, a paraphrase is unnecessary when an adequate, understandable literal translation is available.

4- That all the primarily Trinitarian-based objections to translating ou.noute as "a god" at Coptic John 1:1c amount to little more than presupposition or special pleading. Though such faulty, superficial objections have been cut and pasted frequently on the Internet, they are poorly researched and often misleading.

In one such apologetic, promising full disclosure of what some Coptic scholars "really said," the conclusion about ou.noute at John 1:1 remains the same, i.e., "it might mean was a god, was divine, was an instance of 'god', was one god (not two, three, etc.)"; "In Coptic, "ounoute" can mean "a god" or "one with divine nature"; "So literally, the Sahidic and Bohairic texts say "a god" in the extant mss. ... A rather clumsy reading might be: The Logos was in the beginning. The Logos was with God. The Logos was like God (or godlike, or divine) with the emphasis on his nature; not his person."

Not ONE of the scholars appealed to by Trinitarian apologists said that Coptic John 1:1 should be translated to say "The Word was God." Not one. Not one said that "a god" was incorrect. In fact, the interlinear reading for Sahidic Coptic John 1:1c in scholar Bentley Layton's Coptic in 20 Lessons specifically reads "a-god is the-Word."

The Coptic text of John 1:1c was made prior to the adoption of the Trinity doctrine by Egyptian and other churches, and it is poor scholarship to attempt to "read back" a translation such as "the Word was God" into any exegesis of the Coptic text. Such a rendering is foreign to Coptic John 1:1c, which clearly and literally says, "the Word was a god."

5- That, stated succinctly, translating Sahidic Coptic's neunoute pe pSaje literally into standard English as "the Word was a god" stands on solid grammatical and contextual ground.


OPUS said...

This is not a surprise because the "a god" rendering is implicitly shown in early church fathers as Origen and Justin contemporariers to the Coptic Bible. For instance, Origen said about the Greek of John 1:1c :
"We next notice John's use of the article in these sentences. He does not write without care in this respect, nor is he unfamiliar with the niceties of the Greek tongue. In some cases he uses the article, and in some he omits it. He adds the article to the Logos, but to the name of God he adds it sometimes only. He uses the article, when the name of God refers to the uncreated cause of all things, and omits it when the Logos is named QEOS.....all beyond the Very God is made God by participation in His divinity, and is not to be called simply God (with the article), but rather God (without article)."

On the other hand, Justin said:
"there is said to be, another God and Lord subject to the Maker of all things; who is also called an Angel, because He announces to men whatsoever the Maker of all things--above whom there is no other God"

eleKtrofly said...

word was "a god" is how the jehovah's witnesses translate it and it contributes to a lot of confusing theologies.

i'm surrent;y trying to make sense of the debate between monophysitism and the coptic point of view.

Memra said...

No, there is no confusing theology here. Actually, in the context of Biblical Monotheism, there is no confusion or conflict in the rendering "a god" at John 1:1c. And it should not be forgotten that Jesus and his apostles were Hebrews whose heritage was Biblical Monotheism.

At least as far back as the year 1864, there were English versions of the Bible that had "a god" in this verse (The Emphatic Diaglott, by Benjamin Wilson). Several other translations, in English and other languages, render the anarthrous "theos" (god) here as "a god" or "divine," showing that they understand this usage to be either indefinite or qualitative.

In other words, John 1:1c is not identifying Jesus as God, but describing Jesus as being "like God." Or, as Greek grammarian Philip Harner put it, "The Word had the same nature as God." (Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol. 92,1974)

Memra said...

In addition, it must be noted that the 2nd century Coptic translators were not translating in favor of any of today's religions.

The Coptic translators were giving us their own understanding or interpretation of the Greek text(s) they were using 1,700 years ago.

When the Coptic translators encountered the Greek anarthrous construction at John 1:1c, they translated it by using their Coptic indefinite construction, giving us neunoute pe pSaje, i.e., "the Word was a god."

The use of the Coptic indefinite article with a Coptic common or count noun is customarily translate into English as "a ____". And that is precisely the usage found in Coptic at John 1:1c.

Regardless of later Coptic church theology, the translators of the Sahidic Coptic version understood John 1:1c to read differently from many modern English versions: "the Word was a god" or "the Word was divine," NOT "the Word was God."

Jehovah's Servant said...

>word was "a god" is how the >jehovah's witnesses translate it >and it contributes to a lot of >confusing theologies.

FYI - "the jehovah's witnesses" as you write, didn't write, nor translate the Sahidic Coptic manuscripts. We simply agree with it's rendering, fully confident that Jesus Christ is:

the only begotten Son of God (Heb. 1:5),
who is ruling at God's right hand (Colassians 3:1),
by God's authority, (John 5:27)
and by God's appointment (Acts 2:36),
as a reward for his obedience. (Heb. 5:8, 9)

Trinity is THE very definition of confusing. The belief that Jesus is God, and with God, and has a God, and at God's right hand, and lesser than the Father, who is also God, and the three are separate persons yet all equally God - well I'd say trinitarians win the confusion gold medal.

Nincsnevem said...

The Greek word Logos (lo,goj) is traditionally translated as “Word.” French translations sometimes
use “Verb” which has a dynamic quality. The English “Message” or “Expression of the Mind” may
also be appropriate attempts to convey the nuance of the Greek concept. The Jewish-Alexandrian
theologian and philosopher Philo wrote extensively about the Logos in ways that are reminiscent of
NT theology. For instance, his teaching that “For the Logos of the living God being the bond of every
thing, as has been said before, holds all things together, and binds all the parts, and prevents them
from being loosened or separated” echoes Colossians 1:17. VEn avrch/| h=n o` lo,goj( kai. o` lo,goj h=n pro.j to.n qeo,n( kai. qeo.j h=n o` lo,gojÅ This second theos could
also be translated ‘divine’ as the construction indicates a qualitative sense for theos. The Word is not
God in the sense that he is the same person as the theos mentioned in 1:1a; he is not God the Father
(God absolutely as in common NT usage) or the Trinity. The point being made is that the Logos is of
the same uncreated nature or essence as God the Father, with whom he eternally exists. This verse
is echoed in the Nicene Creed: “God (qualitative or derivative) from God (personal, the Father), Light
from Light, True God from True God… homoousion with the Father.”

Memra said...

Thanks for your comments.

However, neither Philo nor Athanasius is conclusive in understanding what the apostle John wrote at John 1:1. Both follow the lines of Greek philosophy rather than the dictates of inspired Scripture.

There is nothing in John 1:1 that posits an eternal existence of the Logos. As applied to Jesus Christ, the Scriptures show that while pre-existent, he was also "the beginning of the creation of God" and the "firstborn of all creation." (Revelation 3:14; Colossians 1:15)

Nincsnevem said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Memra said...

sdhshh's comment was deleted because it contained a link that was merely the same outdated and convoluted special pleading for Trinitarian doctrine that can be found anywhere.

Nincsnevem said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Memra said...

Anonymous, trash comments will not be allowed on this blog.

sdhshh's comment was deleted again because (1) it was a link that did not work; (2) the link was to a site that contains outdated, incorrect information about Coptic John 1 that is purely apologetic in nature, ignoring Coptic grammar and syntax in favor of Trinitarian dogmatism.

In short, the link has nothing of a scholarly nature to add to the discussion.

Trish said...

Thank you and how about that Greek guy who posted- no Greek Bibles ever translate this john 1:1 as God. It is a comment on the book Truth in Translation. So how many Greek Bibles are there?- and is this correct? Does anyone know the standards of Greek Bibles?? Hope they are better then our English Revised ones:). . This Greek man said none of the Greek Bibles understand John 1:1 to say God. Let me cut and add his post. for expedience, It was quite refreshing. . . Truth in Translation: Accuracy and Bias in English Translations of the New Testament

158 of 171 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars It says the truth about Bible translations, January 1, 2005
Basileios Tsialas (Athens, Greece) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Truth in Translation: Accuracy and Bias in English Translations of the New Testament (Paperback)
I am Greek, I have been raised in Greece, I have studied Classical Greek for two years in high school (Classical Greek is much more complicated than koine, or Common Greek) and I have been studding the original Greek text of the Bible for about 10 years. Having this background, I responsibly say that this book presents quite right, well documented and reliable linguistic information. Yes, its writer must be considered adequate as regards his knowledge of the Biblical Greek. So, this book sheds plenty of light about subjects of whitch the common English reader has no idea. For example: English readers often claim that NW is false in Jonh 1:1. Trinitarians in Greece have never used this specific verse to claim that the New World Translation (NW) is wrong, since all the Orthodox versions read actually the same with the greek version of the NW. And this happens because the wording of this verse is very clear for the Greek reader, and there is no place for debate. I am sorry to say this, but for a Greek it is rediculus to debate on John 1:1.

Of course, many will be disappointed by BeDunh because he proves that many of the famous Bible versions are inaccurate and mislead their readers. But face the facts! What matters is not what translators say but what Bible says!

Know I Love this Guy!!
Thank you again Memra, for this great succinctly put information!

Memra said...


Your comments are noted and appreciated.

I think what the Greek writer meant was than a native Greek person who reads John 1:1, in the Greek, would see immediately that two different entities are being described, not one.

In other words, the Word is not the same as the God Whom the Word is with, but the Word would have divine qualities, like God.

Anonymous said...

Thx. for this blog.

Memra said...

Thank you, Janos, and thanks to others who made thoughtful comments.

Anonymous said...

Welcome brother. You have good resources. Thx. again. How do you find it?

Unknown said...

Hello Memra. I found your blog while performing a search for coptic greek. I had at one time bookmarked which had similar info but the site has since closed. My blog,, has more general interest subjects regarding scripture from the JW point of view. I'd like to join your blog but I don't see a link to do so. I can be emailed at

Anonymous said...

In John 3:13, the words "who is in heaven" is likely original. It is the more difficult reading, appears in the majority of all manuscripts, and appears early on in all text types.
Chances are that John 3:13 onward was not spoken by Jesus but was a parenthetical remark by the evangelist.
". . . If I told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how shall ye believe if I tell you about heavenly things?" [Jesus stops speaking here]
(And no one has ascended into heaven except for the one who descended from heaven, even the Son of Man who is in heaven . . ."

Anonymous said...

Scribes were confused by the words "who is in heaven" because they thought that Jesus was still speaking, so they either removed the phrase altogether or changed it to "who WAS in heaven"

Anonymous said...

The apostle John was intending to refute the idea that the souls of dead saints have ascended into heaven.

Anonymous said...

Obviously Jesus is not the speaker in verse 13 onward because the speaker describes Jesus' ascension as a past event.

JimSpace said...

Sadly, the blog author Memra passed away on April 13, 2013.

thomas dickensheets said...

And Jesus is false god!

Nincsnevem said...

Nincsnevem said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nincsnevem said...

ΑΥШ ΝЄΥΝΟΥΤЄ ΠЄ ΠϢΑϪЄ [auō neounoute pe pšaʤe]

The Sahidic Coptic translation, which dates back to the 3rd century, is particularly interesting because it includes both definite and indefinite articles. In John 1:1, the Sahidic Coptic text uses the term "ⲩⲛⲟⲩⲧⲉ" (noute, "god"), which indeed contains an indefinite article. Meanwhile, in John 1:18, it uses the definite article for the Son, "ⲡⲛⲟⲩⲧⲉ" (pnoute, "the God").

Jehovah's Witnesses often refer to this translation, which they claim renders the text as "and the Word was a god." The Sahidic Coptic translation, having both definite and indefinite articles, is in this respect closer to modern languages (such as English) than to Greek. The Watchtower Society asserts that the Sahidic Coptic translation supports their interpretation. Firstly, even if this were true, the Coptic translation is obviously interpretative at this point because "divine" in Greek would not be "theos ēn" but "theios ēn". Furthermore, the theological background of this translation is unclear, considering that Coptic Christians were never Arians, unlike, for example, the Visigoths or the Vandals.

Coptic translators regularly used the definite article when referring to the biblical "God," but also applied the indefinite article when the context required it. Based on the analysis of tenses and sentence structures, the Coptic text seems to use the word "god" in a qualitative sense, meaning "divine" or "having a divine nature." Thus, the use of indefinite articles in Coptic translations was complex and often determined by the context.

Coptic language experts like Bentley Layton and Ariel Shisha-Halevy point out that the Coptic indefinite article is not identical to the English indefinite article. According to Layton, the Coptic structure can also be translated in a qualitative sense, such as "the Word was divine" or "of divine nature." Shisha-Halevy holds a similar view, noting that in the Coptic language, such structures tend to refer to the nature of the subject rather than to an indefinite entity. Wallace suggests that in Sahidic Coptic, the indefinite article can be used to denote class membership or properties, similar to what is called "qualitative usage" in Greek grammar.

In Sahidic Coptic, the indefinite article is often used with abstract nouns and material nouns, which is not common in modern languages. Analyses show that Sahidic Coptic translators often used articles in places where the Greek text did not have them. This indicates that the Sahidic Coptic translation simply followed its grammatical rules and does not necessarily reflect the exact meaning of the Greek text. Examples of qualitative usage in Coptic:

John 1:33: "This is the one who will baptize with [a] Holy Spirit and [a] fire" (Horner's translation).
John 3:6: "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is [a] spirit."
In John 1:18b, the Greek "theos" without an article is translated into Coptic with a definite article: "God, the only Son" (Horner's translation). This consistency suggests that the Coptic translator likely attributed divine qualities to the Word in John 1:1, rather than treating it as an indefinite noun ("a god"). Therefore, the translator emphasized the divine quality here, not a separate (lesser) god. This contradicts the idea that John 1:1 should be translated as "a god."

Nincsnevem said...

In the October 2011 issue of the Journal of Theological Studies, Brian J. Wright and Tim Ricchuiti concluded that the indefinite article in the Coptic translation of John 1:1 has a qualitative meaning. They identified many such occurrences in the Coptic New Testament for qualitative nouns, including 1 John 1:5 and 1 John 4:8. Additionally, the indefinite article is used to refer to God in Numbers 4:31 and Malachi 2:10.

This article establishes that Sahidic Coptic translators did not always consistently translate the Greek "theos" without an article. While they mostly used the definite article, in some cases, "theos" appears with an indefinite article, such as in John 1:1, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Ephesians 4:6, and 2 Thessalonians 2:4. The authors apply their findings to John 1:1c, concluding that in the translation "and the Word was God," the "theos" has a qualitative interpretation. According to this approach, the Word possesses the same attributes as the biblical God. With this approach, the authors argue that the Sahidic Coptic translators did not intend to present a pagan or usurping god, but to emphasize the divine attributes of the Word. In summary, the study suggests that in the Sahidic Coptic New Testament, the use of the indefinite article in translating the Greek "theos" without an article primarily served a qualitative, descriptive distinction aimed at highlighting the divine attributes of the Word in John 1:1c.

Moreover, scholars like Jason BeDuhn and J. Warren Wells also agree that the Sahidic Coptic translation does not unequivocally support the "a god" interpretation. Even BeDuhn, who often defends the New World Translation, pointed out that it can be interpreted qualitatively, meaning that the Word was of divine nature, not a separate, lesser god, as the Watchtower Society's theology claims about the Son.

In conclusion, the solution of the Sahidic Coptic translation does not support either the New World Translation's rendering or the Watchtower Society's Christology.

Litigiosus said...

The claim that the Sahidic Coptic translation of John 1:1c ("ⲞⲨⲛⲞⲨϮ" – ou.noute) supports the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ rendering “the Word was a god” in the New World Translation is based on a misinterpretation of Coptic grammar and historical context. While the Sahidic Coptic translation does use an indefinite article, this does not necessarily indicate that Jesus is being presented as a secondary or lesser god. Rather, it reflects a qualitative meaning that emphasizes the divine nature of the Word, aligning with traditional Trinitarian theology.

The primary issue with the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ argument is that it treats the Coptic indefinite article as functionally equivalent to the English indefinite article, ignoring how Coptic expresses qualitative and categorical attributes. Coptic grammarians such as Bentley Layton and Ariel Shisha-Halevy emphasize that the indefinite article in Coptic can indicate either an entity (a god) or a quality (divine). Layton explicitly states that in such constructions, "the reader must decide which reading to give it," acknowledging the possibility of a qualitative nuance rather than an indefinite one. The indefinite article is frequently used in Coptic not to denote an indefinite entity but to indicate the nature or essence of the subject. This aligns with how Greek functions in John 1:1c, where theos without the article is best understood as qualitative—describing what the Word was, rather than identifying the Word as a separate deity.

Additionally, the argument that early Coptic-speaking Christians interpreted John 1:1c in a way that supports Arianism or the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Christology is historically flawed. Coptic Christianity was never Arian. The early Egyptian Church was staunchly Nicene, and there is no evidence that the Coptic translators intended to portray the Word as a subordinate deity. If they had, we would expect to see Arianism flourishing among Coptic Christians, yet historical records show that Egyptian Christianity consistently upheld Christ’s full divinity. Furthermore, the Coptic Nicene Creed, still recited in the Coptic Orthodox Church today, repeatedly uses "ⲞⲨⲛⲞⲨϮ" (ou.noute) in reference to the one true God, demonstrating that this construction does not necessarily imply a lesser deity.

Another important point is that in John 1:18, the Sahidic Coptic text explicitly refers to the Son as "ⲡⲛⲟⲩⲧⲉ" (pnoute), meaning "the God." This suggests that the same translators who used "ⲞⲨⲛⲞⲨϮ" in 1:1c also affirmed the Son’s full divinity in 1:18. It would be inconsistent to claim that they considered the Word to be "a god" in John 1:1c while calling Him "the God" just a few verses later.

Litigiosus said...

Moreover, other uses of the indefinite article in Sahidic Coptic support the qualitative understanding rather than an indefinite one. For example, in John 4:24, where the Greek says "God is spirit" (pneuma ho theos), the Sahidic Coptic translation renders it with an indefinite article: "ⲞⲨⲡⲛⲉⲩⲙⲁ ⲡⲛⲟⲩⲧⲉ" (ou pneuma pnoute), which literally translates to "God is a spirit." No one argues that this means God is one among many spirits; rather, it describes God's nature. The same applies to John 1:1c—"ⲞⲨⲛⲞⲨϮ" (ou.noute) does not mean the Word was a separate god, but that the Word was divine.

Even Coptic scholars who recognize the literal presence of the indefinite article in John 1:1c do not necessarily interpret it in a way that aligns with the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ theology. Jason BeDuhn, who is often cited by Jehovah’s Witnesses, acknowledges that while a literal translation could be “a god,” the qualitative interpretation (“divine”) is also valid. Layton and Shisha-Halevy similarly affirm that the construction in John 1:1c does not support the idea of a separate deity but rather describes the nature of the Word.

Finally, the claim that the Sahidic Coptic translation represents an “ancient” interpretation that predates later Trinitarian doctrine is misleading. While the translation dates back to the 3rd century, its theological context must be considered. The translators were working within the Alexandrian tradition, which later became a key defender of Nicene orthodoxy. There is no indication that early Coptic Christians viewed Christ as a lesser god, nor is there any historical evidence of a theological movement within Coptic Christianity that aligns with the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ interpretation.

In conclusion, the Sahidic Coptic translation does not support the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ rendering of John 1:1c as “the Word was a god.” The use of the indefinite article in Coptic does not necessarily indicate an indefinite noun but often serves a qualitative function. The broader context of the Coptic translation, including John 1:18, supports the traditional Christian understanding that the Word is fully divine. Historical evidence further undermines the claim that Coptic Christianity had an Arian or semi-Arian Christology. The argument that the Coptic translation aligns with Jehovah’s Witness theology is based on a misunderstanding of both Coptic grammar and early Christian history.